Advertising Options
Interested in advertising with us? We offer a range of options to fit your needs. Contact us for more information.
The Rio Grande Gazette is the go-to source for local news in the valley. Our team of dedicated reporters and editors work tirelessly to bring you the latest happenings, from local politics to community events. We also cover entertainment, businesses, and feature a section for puzzles and jokes. With our wide readership and engaged audience, advertising with us is a great way to reach the local community. Contact us to learn more about our advertising options and rates.
Advertise with Us!
Online Submission Forms
It is Free to list an Event on our Calendar of Events.
Quarterly Print Advertising Rates
Each rate is listed for our quarterly print issue plus exposure on our website for 29 days.
The open rate is for non-contract advertising. The other rates are for contract advertising based on frequency.
Open Rate is the non-contract rate and always applies to the first and second ad placed during the same 12-month period by a non-contract advertiser. Non-contract advertisers are entitled to a frequency discount once they have run three times or six times during a 12-month period. The frequency discount cannot be applied to past ads. For example, a non-contract advertiser will pay open rate for the first and second ad, then is eligible for the three-Time rate for the third, or more ads placed during a year.
A signed advertising contract is required to receive frequency discounts in advance.
Rio Grande Advertising Sizes
Rio Grande Gazette uses a four-column, short tab format, which means most of our ad sizes are not the same as other newspapers. We use this format because it allows ads and news to be perfectly balanced, and maximizes the visibility of each individual ad.
What size is right for you? Obviously, larger ads create a bigger impression. One-time events typically require at least a quarter-page and often up to a full page to get the maximum exposure desired. Smaller ads may best suit the needs and budget for repetitive advertising. The more words and graphics that are used in an ad, the larger the space required to make an attractive presentation. The best way to decide what ad size is right for you is to look through a copy of the Rio Grande Gazette and decide which ads are most comparable to what you have in mind.
You are not locked into any ad size even if you are receiving a contract rate. You can go from a horizontal to a vertical format of the same size ad and the same rate will apply. You can also increase or decrease the size, or your ad and the appropriate frequency discount will still apply (such as a 3-time, or more per year).
Other Charges and Discounts
Premium Placement – Additional charges for special placement requests
Front half or Back Half of paper 10%
Right-hand page 10%
Outside corner 10%
Inside back over 10%
Inside front cover 10%
Charges are cumulative. For example, the premium placement charge for the top right, and front half of paper would be 20%. Premium placement is subject to availability. Not all placements are possible for all-size ads. Every effort will be made to accommodate placement requests. If conflicts arise, preference will be given to larger ads, and to standard 2- and 4-column wide sizes.
Production Charges: The minimum charge for building a new ad is $20. A change fee of $10 is charged for revising a previously run ad. This fee applies whenever additional typesetting, scanning or graphic/photo placement is required.
Tenant Discount: All Tenants of properties owned by La Feria Park N Shop, Inc. or BacaAnthony1, LLC receive a temporary 50% discount on all ad rates for the first year. Ads must be camera-ready. Production charges will be added if we build the new ad for you.
Non-Profit Discount: 10% to recognized non-profit institutions. Ad must be camera-ready. Cannot be combined with other discounts.
Specifications for Advertising
Deadlines: Rio Grande Gazette will commence its bi-monthly publishing with its August 2018 issue. Eventually, we plan to publish weekly. Closing for camera-ready ads is 10 days before publication. Please allow one extra week if typesetting or ad design is required.
In general, please submit:
Ad space reservations by the 10th of the month prior to publishing month.
News, classifieds, business directory, and Calendar Events items by the 15th of the month prior to publishing the month.
Camera-ready ads by the 20th of the month prior to publishing month.
Billing: Invoices are issued by the first of the month and are payable within 10 days. 1.5 % per month charges on all accounts unpaid after 15 days.
Copy Regulations: Rio Grande Gazette reserves the right to reject any advertising. Advertisers and agencies assume responsibility for all claims against Rio Grande Gazette arising from printed content of advertising. Claims for adjustments must be made within 10 days of publication. The publisher’s liability for any error shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error.
Ad proofs: Advertisers should make arrangements for reviewing an ad proof if no fax access is available. Advertiser is responsible for providing a hard-copy color print or printout of any color images for color-matching purposes.
Printing Specifications: Four-color on front, and back cover and a minimum of two inside pages. Printed on newspaper web offset press, high-bright newsprint. 130-line screen for artwork. Allow for a 30 percent dot gain.
Electronic requirements: Ads must be submitted as PDF documents or in most image formats (jpeg, tiff, eps). Digital images should be provided at 300 dpi resolution at the size to be printed. Digital documents may be sent via email to Large documents (over 5 MB) can be uploaded to our FTP site; call or email for instructions
Contracts: Advertisers may increase the size of their ad during the term of their contract and receive a comparable frequency discount. Contracts must be completed within 12 months from the date of their first insertion. If an advertiser cancels an existing contract, the advertiser will be re-billed at the appropriate rate, plus 5% of the gross rate.
Service Fees & Camera-Ready Ads
All advertising rates shown for Rio Grande Gazette are for camera-ready ads that require no additional scanning, typesetting, photo correction or other graphic design services.
There are two kinds of advertising service fees: set-up fees and change fees. Set-up fees are charged for building a new ad. Change fees are charged for revising existing ads.
Set-up Fees
The minimum charge for building a new ad is $20 for a simple ad layout. Anything more will be negotiated accordingly. A minimum set-up fee is charged for building any new ad that is not submitted in camera-ready format. These set-up fees also apply when creating a new ad layout for an existing advertiser. Set-up fees include typesetting, scanning images, clip art searches and layout. They do not include advanced graphic design services, such as logo creation and original graphic illustrations.
The advertiser is responsible for providing all text and graphics required to build the ad. A $10 change fee will be added to the set-up charge if changes are requested that were not part of the original text and graphics requested by the advertiser.
Change fees
A minimum change fee of $10 is charged for revising an ad that has already run in Rio Grande Gazette. This fee applies whenever additional typesetting, scanning or graphic/photo placement is required. The fee may be waived by Rio Grande Gazette for changes involving simple updates submitted by the advertiser in written form. A change fee must be charged for any ad revision for which an ad proof is requested.
The $10 fee cover changes requested at the same time. No charge is made for correcting typographical errors or omissions made by Rio Grande Gazette. A second $10 change fee will be charged, however, if the advertiser asks for additions, deletions or other revisions that were not included in the first request.
Camera-Ready Advertising
Camera-ready ads must be submitted in electronic format. Typically, electronic ads are submitted as image documents such as PDF, EPS, TIFF or JPEG. All fonts and images must be embedded.
Camera-ready ads are assumed to be ready for press. Any image documents must have all images and fonts embedded. Rio Grande Gazette will not be responsible for font substitution or image bit-mapping problems that result from inadequate document preparation. Standard resolution is a recommended 300 dpi at 100 percent of printed image size. Rio Grande Gazette will not be responsible for any digital ads that are submitted with substandard resolution.
All color ads must be submitted in CMYK format (not RGB), including all embedded graphics.
Microsoft Word or Publisher files are not acceptable as camera-ready ads. However, we can accept a PDF version of the ad. The same is true of other word processing or graphic design programs such as Corel, WordPerfect, etc. We can accept a printed hard copy of an ad as a camera-ready only if it is suitable for scanning. Rio Grande Gazette cannot be held responsible for poor photo image quality or moiré patterns that result from scanning camera-ready ads submitted as hard copy. If requested, we will correct photo images to optimize the quality of reproduction for newsprint web printing. Any photo work by the Rio Grande Gazette will be negotiated accordingly.
If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact us at:
Office: 915-886-6000
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13389
El Paso, TX 79913
Office Address:
425 S. Main St
Anthony, TX 79821

Contact us at for more information about our advertising options.